
  1. Weissberg D. I Remember… Freund Publishing House, London and Tel Aviv, 1998.
  2. T. Grigo. Na Górnym Czerniakowie. M.O.N., Warsaw, 1979.
  3. T. Grigo. Powiśle Czerniakowskie 1944. M.O.N., Warsaw, 1989.
  4. M. Wiśniewska and M. Sikorska. Szpitale Powstańczej Warszawy. Rytm-Polczek, Warsaw, 1991.
  5. L. Wulman and J. Tennenbaum. The Martyrdom of Jewish Physicians in Poland. Exposition Press, New York, 1963.
  6. J.B. Gliński. Słownik Biograficzny Lekarzy i Farmaceutów Ofiar Drugiej Wojny Światowej, Volume II. Naczelna Izba Lekarska, Warsaw, 1999.
  7. B. Meirtchak. Jews-Officers in the Polish Armed Forces 1939-1945. Association of Jewish War Veterans of Polish Armies in Israel, Tel Aviv, 2001.
  8. B. Meirtchak. Jewish Mortality Casualties in the Polish Armies in World War II, Vol. V: Supplement. Associaton of Jewish War Veterans of Polish Armies in Israel, Tel Aviv, Israel, 1999.   

Books by Dov Weissberg

ֹBiography and Memoirs
1. Weissberg D: I Remember.... Freund Publishing House, London and Tel Aviv, 1998. (English Edition)

     Hebrew Edition:
     Weissberg D:התעוררתי משריקת הקטר  (The Whistle of the Train Woke Me Up). Freund Publishing House, London and Tel Aviv, 1998.

     Polish Edition:
     Weissberg D: Zbudził mnie gwizd parowozu (The Whistle of the Train Woke Me Up). Freund Publishing House, London, 1999.

2. Weissberg D: בחרתי בכירורגיה (I Have Chosen Surgery) – A Surgeon’s Memoir. Freund Publishing House, London and Tel Aviv, 2001. (Hebrew Edition)

English Edition:
Weissberg D: I Have Chosen Surgery – A Surgeon’s Memoir. Self-published, Rehovot, Israel, 2002.

3. Weissberg D: ועוד סיפורים מהחיים (Some More Stories From Life ). Self-published, Rehovot, Israel, 2004.

4. Weissberg, D. The Holocaust – One Boy’s Experience. Self-      published, Rehovot, Israel, 2008.   (English Edition)

Hebrew Edition:
Weissberg D. השואה – ניסיונו של נער אחד
Self-published, Rehovot, Israel, 2009

5. Weissberg D, Cohen L: Idioms, Proverbs, Thoughts – Book of Quotations, Multilingual. (אמרות, פתגמים ומחשבות – ספר ציטוטים). Self-published, Rehovot, Israel, 2004.

6. Weissberg D: Handbook of Practical Pleuroscopy.  Futura Publ. Co., Mount Kisco, N.Y., 1991.