
This publication started as a collection of my presentations at the consecutive annual Nahariya Conferences on Morbidity and Medicine During the Holocaust. These Conferences, initiated in May 2001, have grown from the efforts and organizational skills of Professor Shaul Shasha, Medical Director of the Nahariya Medical Center.
As a participant and speaker at the Nahariya Conferences for several years, I prepared my presentations in the form suitable for print, in order to publish them in a book. In the process of writing, the realm of the book was expanded, and a number of essays were added, not necessarily related to medicine, but all on the subject of the Holocaust.
All themes and essays are based on my own experience and that of my family. Each one describes the events as they actually happened and were retained in my memory. Forgotten details were not reconstructed. No gaps were filled. But every detail described is authentic and every story is a true document.

Dov Weissberg
Rehovot, October 2008.